This post will turn out to be rather long simply because there is so much to say about Deadhorse and Prudhoe Bay
Deadhorse is the name of the town in the Prudhoe Bay area. It was a fascinating place, much different than I expected. It isn’t actually a town, since few people live there continuously. Most come up and work for a few weeks and then return down south for a few weeks off.
Everything here is about producing oil and the facilities for tourists are minimal. Here is our first view after we got off the plane.
From the picture you can see the terrain is very flat and there are no trees and little other vegetation. Everything is built on gravel pads spread over the permafrost.
Here is a view of our “hotel” the Arctic Caribou Inn
Like nearly every structure here, it is a prefab building that was trucked up the Dalton Highway in pieces.