Warning, this is sort of a brag post but I hope you will allow me this bit of vanity.
Last weekend (Feb 17-19) was the ARRL International DX Contest, CW and, despite chemotherapy on the 16th, I participated. I made a moderately serious effort, mostly to prove that I could. My final results were: 648 QSO‘s, 251 Countries, & 487,944 Points. This was approximately 90,000 points fewer than last year but I am still happy, considering my health situation.
Related to this. On that Saturday (Feb 18) I received a large envelope from the ARRL. In it was this certificate for my effort in the 2011 ARRL International DX Contest, Phone. My score in that contest was 739 QSOs, 277 Countries & 614,109 Points. On February 27 I received a second envelope with a updated certificate. It seems that the original contained a printing error which implied my achievement was greater than it actually was.
The certificate is for first place in my category in the ARRL Midwest Division which consists of the states of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri. The corrected certificate is for first place in my category in the state of Iowa, not the entire division. Still, this is something I am proud of.
Next month is the 2012 instance of this contest — we’ll see how I do on that one.
WOW Tom!!!
Must be that great beam you have and that awesome radio!
Oh wait…. I think all of that is worthless without a great op and the mic/key!
I am very proud of and for you, my friend!
“Oh wait…. I think all of that is worthless without a great op and the mic/key!”
Should read”
“Oh wait…. I think all of that is worthless without a great op [at] the mic/key!”
“648 QSO‘s, 251 Countries” Well done sir. Amazing stuff.
First in Iowa…not the Midwest…doesn’t matter…I’m still proud of you!!