Anyone who knows me has to realize that I love my toys. Well, yesterday I got another one.
It’s an Icom IC-T90A, tri-band band handheld radio. It puts out up to 5 watts on the 6m, 2m, and 70cm ham bands. It has a general coverage receiver from 495 KHz to 999.99 MHz (minus cell phone frequencies.) Full specs can be found here.
I am just starting to learn how to operate it but already I know I really like it. It has (IMHO) only one drawback. The antenna is way huge! The antenna performs well but is a little awkward to carry on a belt clip or in a pocket. Fortunately there are after-market antennas which are more reasonably sized available for a low cost.
I’ve already got all the local repeater frequencies programmed into it and I’ll be taking it with me often to see what sort of coverage I get in the area.
Such fun!
Does this mean you will be on the radio during our trip to Florida? If so, that is okay as long as you remember your “significant other”.
I had a little one once similar but without the general coverage. It was a Yaesu as I recall. I liked it but the 2m, 6m, and 70cm bands within reach are all so populated with yapping ham club power-players and other lids of varying sorts I lost interest pretty quickly.
I willed it to friend Robert who is active in all the emergency nets, ARES, MARS and such for work he has done for me on my puter hardware, stringing my Triton HF antenna, etc..
Yours looks fantastic! What fun! Oh, and don’t forget to cuddle that girl!