3 comments on “Replacing UPS Batteries

  1. Excuse me…did you say “an easy project”??? Guess for you tech wizard, it is; I’m reasonably handy and have a few basic tools (thanks to my sweetheart) but don’t think this would be an easy project for me…machines and accessories are not my thing. That must be why I keep you around, think??? <:)

  2. Excellent article, great timing for I have recently replaced my failing and under-capable UPS with a better one! It’s a APC BR1500LCD 1500VA 865 Watts 8 Outlet critter with a digital readout telling wonderful things such as:

    -How much power your connected devices are consuming
    -What percentage of the UPS capacity is being used
    -How long under the current load it will function in a power failure
    -What the line input voltage is
    -What the output voltage is
    -what the input line frequency is

    My system is consuming just over 300W and I’ve got virtually everything plugged into it including my cable modem and wireless router.

    It is reporting about a 25-minute runtime and in a power failure the readout changes automatically to time remaining. Cool.

    On a final note, replacement batteries for the one that failed cost more than the original unit itself, and I was uncertain whether the failure had been with the trickle charger or the batteries themselves, so opted to replace it with a *lots* more robust version.

    After all, I live in the lightning capital of the US, where glitches, brown-outs and power outages during summer storms are all too frequent.

    Great article, Tom! Keep ’em coming!

  3. That’s one sweet unit Mike. I’d like having that data display.

    You make a couple of good points. It can be hard to tell if the problem with a UPS is due to the batteries or some other factor. I have had at least one unit have its charging circuit fried by lightning. It is probably a good idea to check the batteries independently, if possible, before assuming they are the problem. I guess to do that you would need an external charger and some sort of resistive load.

    Having excess capacity is a good idea too. Many times in can take a few minutes to shut down a PC after power fails. If that time is longer than what the UPS can supply then you would be SOL. This is particularly true in our case with multiple computers in different rooms. That can mean some scurrying around when the power drops out.

    Also it goes without saying that one should check the price of the replacement batteries vs the cost of a new UPS. For the units we have the batteries are about 1/3 of the cost of the entire device. Probably something to look at when buying a new unit too.

    I think I need to do some more of these DIY types of articles. This one was fun.

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