Got up late Friday (the 8th) morning and spent a nice few hours getting used to the new time zone and catching up on-line. After noon it was off to the ferry terminal to stash our luggage in lockers and while away a few hours before boarding. We wandered around an area of Bellingham called Fairhaven and had a nice lunch at “The Big Fat Fish Co.”
Back at the terminal we were able to get on board and find our small but nice cabin. Then we wandered around the ship, locating the important places like the restaurant, observation lounge and the bar.
Here’s our ship, Alaska Marine Highway’s M/V Columbia, at the Bellingham ferry dock.
There were a lot of hikers and backpackers on this ferry – many even pitch their tents on the deck in designated areas. It I were 30 years younger I would probably enjoy doing this.
Sailing was delayed a little due to late vehicle arrivals. It’s amazing how many campers, motor-homes, cars and trucks they were able to cram on this ferries. We even saw a trailer full of cattle brought on board !
Once underway, we had a great dinner in the dining room followed by some wine in the bar. Then we crashed a little early, mostly because the ship runs on Alaska time and we were still not even adjusted to Pacific time.
Next – sights along the Inside Passage.
Cool! Not exactly what I had in mind when you said “ferry.” Looks great!
So what did you eat at the Big Fat Fish place? How was it?
Yes, tent camping on deck looks romantic but I’m with you on preferring the comfort of a nice cabin—all things cost being equal.
Nice pictures and dialog. It’s like tagging along on your great Alaskan adventure.
Now that’s a ferry! It all sounds wonderful!