7 comments on “Stars in Winter

  1. That is a Beautiful Photo Tom! I can see exactly what you make reference to there.

    Orion I’m guessing in the photo had an easterly orientation.

  2. Yes Leo, the camera was pointing just a little South of East. I took some others pointing up higher but this was the best. Plus Orion is Jan’s favorite constellation.

  3. What a beautiful sky it was last night…still think we should of taken our sleeping bags out and spend the night under the stars….even though we would of been covered with frost this morning. Great picture, honey!

  4. Awesome picture. My son just saw it and he used to love to lay out in a lawn chair to look at the stars.

  5. Thanks Alice. I will be taking more sky photos in the future so keep looking. And encourage your son to keep looking at the sky too.

    Glad to see you here.

  6. Thanks Tom. Oh yes my son still loves to look at the starts and all. Whe the Comet Hale – Bopp could be seen we were out on the deck of our apartment out in Tacoma, WA. My son has been watching the stars since a young child and still at it at 33 years old.

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