The following was written by Jan concerning one of her many contributions to my lymphoma recovery.

Happy Socks
The origin of these cheerful socks was Spokane, WA. When visiting my sister, Edith, I saw these socks in one of the gift stores which specialized in “homemade” items made locally and I exclaimed how cool I thought they were. Guess what came wrapped in my Christmas stocking that year? Santa must of been following me around.
When it was determined Tom had lymphoma, we had a visit scheduled with the doctor to discuss how serious it was and what treatment would be the best. Both of us were quite worried about the outcome of this meeting so I decided we needed some brightness to cheer us up so I put on what I called my “happy socks” and told Tom that, no matter what the outcome would be, he should look at my bright socks, think happy thoughts, and smile. And they have worked throughout his treatment process, including his brief hospitalization. Just looking at them brings a smile to our faces. Sometimes it is the little things that matter most.
They really work!