3 comments on “Medical Update

  1. Another reason I think we see so many of the people smiling and cheerful is because of the attitude of the staff at Iowa Blood and Cancer Center. What a terrific group!!! They are always laughing, joking, and smiling among the masses. Now, be honest, you don’t mind the treatments because it means you get a delicious fudge bar while the nurse pumps the drug into you; I’m not sure what you like better…the fudge bar or the pretty nurse holding your hand!

  2. Thank GOD for nurses! Although I have so far escaped chemo, I have had my frequent visits to the VA clinic & hospital made almost enjoyable by the attention, smiles, and happy attitudes of the nursing staff—many of whom I’d like to take home with me!

    But the love and attention at home surely eclipses those hours, I’m sure!

    Onward my friends, and thanks for the colorful observations, Tom!

  3. Thank you for the detail in your visits Tom. It is awful that diseases such as yours seem only to strike the best people. There is too much left out there not to keep a good attitude isn’t there. 😉

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