иконографияКартиниOn 07/09/11 I reached a major milestone in my ham radio career. On that day I received word that my latest submission to the ARRL DXCC program had been accepted. This application was my final step in receiving 5-Band DXCC (5BDXCC) which means I have contacted, and confirmed via QSL cards, 100 or more countries on five different amateur radio frequency bands.
This is the culmination of an effort I started over 30 years ago and something I am very proud of. As of the above date I have the following totals: 103 countries on 80 meters, 109 on 40m, 167 on 20m, 164 on 15m and 118 on 10m. Here is the 5BDXCC certificate I received today.
In addition to the 5BDXCC I also received endorsements on my CW (Morse code) and Mixed (CW+Voice) DXCC totals which brings me to 325 and 329 countries respectively. Currently the DXCC program recognizes 341 ‘countries’ and when I have worked all but 9 of them I will be eligible for the DXCC Honor Roll !
In addition to the certificate shown above, the ARRL offers an optional plaque for this award. I ordered one and it arrived a couple of days ago. It really looks great.
As a fellow Amateur Radio enthusiast all I can say is CONGRATULATIONS and WOWSERS!
Tom, that’s not an easy thing to get by any stretch of the imagination partly because getting confirmation of the QSO (contact) is almost as hard as talking to them in the first place!
I believe you are the first Ham I have ever known personally to have earned one of those unless maybe Wayne Green has one.
Congrats again es 73!
hey that’s great! Congrats, Dad!
I’m so proud of you! And I still think we need to start a ‘Ham Radio Wall of Fame’ which will handle all your certificates and honors.